RSVP Requested

It’s time to dress up and get out! Here are some ideas that can add a little extra to your family’s special night:

Build Anticipation

  • Invitation: Construct an invitation to hand deliver to your kids a few days before to before the special night, or have the kids practice writing an invitation to each other members of the family. This provides a creative outlet while also teaching them about the invite and RSVP process.
  • Dress Rehearsal: Nervous about how everyone will act during the night out? Have a dress rehearsal at home where everyone can practice their ‘fancy manners’ during a dinner at home. Let them pick the outfit and set the table for extra inclusion in the nights activities.

During The Night

  • Table Topics: Prepare some fun conversation starters to use during dinner and put them in a jar that can be passed around the table. Possible questions could include, “What is a superpower you’d choose?”, and “If you could be an animal, what would it be?”
  • Take it outside: If the weather is nice, take a short walk between dinner and dessert to admire the neighborhood.
  • Best Of: At the end of the night before bed, the family could award everyone a small certificate like, “Silliest Laugh,” “Best Dressed,” “Most Manners,” or “Most Creative Ice Cream Sundae Order.”