Love The Open Road

Buckle up, adventure-seekers! Let’s shift this road trip into the next gear and explore where those winding highways might take us with these extra detours.

Unexpected Twists

  • “Yes” to Detours: See a quirky roadside attraction sign? Follow it! Spot a field of wildflowers? Pull over and take some pictures. Being open to unplanned stops is the heart of this kind of date.
  • Flip a Coin: At every intersection or town, literally flip a coin to decide which direction to go. This eliminates decision-making and increases the chance of stumbling upon something truly unexpected.
  • What do you know?: When you stop for gas or snacks, ask the person working there “What’s ONE thing a visitor shouldn’t miss around here?” Then go check it out!

Wheels of Fortune

  • Drive-By Bingo: Create bingo cards with things you might see on the road (farm animals, vintage signs, specific car types, etc.). First to get Bingo wins!
  • Soundtrack Shuffle: Put your music library on shuffle, without looking at the song title – try and guess the artist or song. Most correct guesses wins!
  • Cloud Gazing Competition: Find a scenic spot to pull over and cloud gaze. Describe fantastical shapes you see, or compete to find the most unusual cloud formation.

Bonus Tip: Before leaving, secretly choose one “must-see” landmark that’s a reasonable distance away. Don’t tell your partner, but let that destination subtly guide your route.

Travel Bingo & Scavenger Hunt Game

2 pack of card games features the Original Interstate Highway Travel Bingo Set and the Highway Hunt Card Game.

Check It Out